* Portrait head of Lawrence Ferlinghetti
* Portrait head, Andrew Lytle, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN and University of the South, Sewanee, TN
* Christ the Healer (1/2 life size), St. Joseph Hospital, Augusta, GA
* Portrait, Banker's First, Augusta, GA
* O. Henry (life size), Lovey (dog, life size), and book
(8' x 14 1/2'), O. Henry Festival Park, Greensboro, NC
* US Senator Strom Thurmond (life size), City of Edgefield, SC
* Portrait bust, Mary Noailles Murphee, Tennessee Historical Society,
Nashville, TN
* Christ Church, Processional Cross, Baltimore, MD
* Bust of Founder of Anderson Greenwood Corporation,
Houston, TX
* Police Memorial (8' Policeman holding a small child with teddy bear),
City of Richmond, VA
* Portrait bust of Dean of Business Administration, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL
* Portrait bust, Gainesville Power & Electric, Gainesville, FL
* Seated Angel (life size), Lic. Patricino Chirinos, Mexico City
* Jimmie I. Barber, (1/2 figure, life size) City Council, Barber Sports Center,
Greensboro, NC
* Austin Cofrin, founder Fort Howard Paper, (1 1/'2 life size, 1/2 figure),
St. Norbert's College, Greenbay, WS
* Bristol War Memorial (5 life size figures representing the branches of the
Armed Services WWII & a 7 ft (fasces), Bristol, VA
* Joseph Bryan (life size), Joseph Bryan Park, Greensboro, NC
* Dr. Aris T. Allen (1 1/2 life size, 1/2 figure), Maryland State Senator,
Arist T. Allen Blvd., Annapolis, MD
* Augusta Nat'l Golf Club, Two Portrait busts of Presidents - William Lane and
Hord Hardin, Augusta, GA
* Dr. Profitt (life size, 1/2 figure), Blount Memorial Hospital, Maryville, TN
* Miss Tooth Fairy of 1995, (life size, seated on a giant molar),
Greensboro, NC
* The Sewanee Tiger (life size, 8' head to tail) The University of the
South, Sewanee, TN
* A World of Unity, 33" diameter globe, two quarter spheres open to reveal
interior figures, Unity School of Christianity, Unity Village, MO
* The Three Graces (3/4 life size), St. Mary's Episcopal School, Memphis, TN
* Baby portrait head (1/2 life size), Camden, SC
* Morgan horse portrait (12"), private collection, NY
* Henrico County Police Memorial, 8' Policeman, small child, and a dog, Richmond, VA
* Dr. and Mrs. Ritchie (life size), Rabun Gap Nacoochee School,
Rabun Gap, GA
* General Thomas Sumter (8'), Revolutionary War, Sumter, SC
* Mayor Kirkman Finlay (life size) seated on a park bench,
Finlay Park, Columbia, SC
* St. Charles Library Girl (life size), girl reading a book with a cat
and mouse by her side, St. Charles, IL
* Clayton "Peg Leg" Bates (life size), Fountain Inn, SC
* Palmetto Tree Project, 'Ol' Strom and the Moon', Private Collection, SC
* Richard Furman, Furman University (life size), Greenville, SC
* Alester Furman Jr. (life size), Furman University, Greenville, SC
* Col. Risher (bust, life size), Camden Military Academy, Camden, SC
* "Winnie", (life size), represent a time and place in the Civil War,
private collection
* A. E. Finley, (1/2 figure, life size), Raleigh, NC
* Blues and Blitzen, portraits of beloved canines, private collection, VA
* Coal Miner, (life size, standing) , Coal Miner Memorial Park, Richlands, VA
* Coach Cally Gault, (bust, life size), North Augusta, SC
* Prof. E. K-S and Dr. Alexander H. Darnes, (life size, standing figures)
St. Augustine, FL
* Children- sister and brother, (3/4 life size), private collection, GA
* Judge Matthew J. Perry Jr. and three childern (life size), Judge
Matthew J. Perry Jr. Federal Courthouse, Columbia, SC
* Charlie Peace (bust, life size), Furman University, Greenville, SC
* Richard Vaughn, (1/2 figure bas relief), NC State University-Wolf Pack Club,
Raleigh, NC
* The Sword and The Stone, "Cline" Quiet Circle, Camden Military Academy,
Camden, SC
* Ernie Williamson portrait bust, Williamson Athletic Center, UNC Chapel Hill, NC
* Katheryn M. Bellfield, (bust, bas relief), Katheryn M. Bellfield Booker
Washington Heights Cultural Arts Center, Columbia, SC
* Dr. Charles R. Drew, (bust, life size), Charles R. Drew Wellness Center,
Columbia, SC
* Library Girl Reading while seated on books with Boykin dog by her side, (life size),
Kershaw County Library, Camden, SC
* Hope Goddard Iselin (bust, life size) and James D. McNair (portrait relief),
Hopelands Garden, Aiken, SC
* "Spirit of Sterling High", (2 figures, life size), corner of Washington and Main,
Greenville, SC
* Jeep Rogers, (life size), downtown YMCA, Columbia, SC
* Burwell Manning Jr., (life size), Heathwood School, Columbia, SC
* James U. Jackson, (life size), founder of North Augusta, SC
* James E. Clyburn, US Congressman, (life size), First Tee Golf Center, Columbia, SC
* Dr. Joe Christian, (life size), The Bog Garden, Greensboro, NC
*Joseph and Kathleen (Price) Bryan, Portrait Bust, Grasshoppers Stadium, Greensboro, NC
*"Pop" Joe Carter, 15inch figure in bronze, Exercise Rider, Steeplechase Museum, Camden, SC
* SCANA, Victory Over Darkness, five men lifting a power line pole after Hurricane Hugo, Columbia, SC
*Jim Melvin, (life size), former Mayor of Greensboro, NC
* Dr. George Simkins, Dentist, (life size), Civil Rights Activist, Greensboro, NC
* "Son", young child reading Langston Hughes poem, "Mother to Son", Kershaw County Library, Camden, SC. An inspirational power of a Poem can give wings.
*WWII Sailor honoring his fellow comrades, Memorial Veterans Park, Columbia, SC
*State Senator Dick Elliott, Portrait Bust, (half life size), Hospital Lobby, Little River, SC
*Shrimper man's boots and Oyster man's boots, to honor the lives of those lost, McClellanville, SC
*William "Billy" Baldwin, shrimp boat captain, home builder, poet and painter, 18 inch bronze portrait figure, McClellanville, SC
*King Haigler (Catawba Chief) and Joseph Kershaw exchanging bartering goods, Town Green, Camden, SC
* Bernard Baruch, Park Bench Statesman, and Lawrence "Larry" Eugene Doby, baseball player for the American League, (life size), Camden, SC, Reconciliation Plaza near the Archives and Museum in Camden, SC. Both gentlemen were born in Camden, SC.
*Bernard Baruch, Park Bench Statesman, Anderson University, Anderson, SC
*Bernard Baruch, Park Bench Statesman, Brookgreen Gardens, Murrells Inlet, SC
*Cpl Freddie Stowers, (life size), Medal of Honor, WWI, Anderson University, Anderson, SC.
*Col. Jack Van Loan, POW Hanoi Hilton, Vietnam War, Five Points, Columbia, SC
* C. S. Lewis, portrait bust and Reepicheep, C.S. Lewis plaza Anderson University, Anderson, SC
*James Davidson Heriot, (life size), Medal of Honor, WWI, Bishopville, SC
*Bruce Duchossois (life size), mare "Kim's Song" (life size), dog "Chummy" (life size), Bruce's Field, Aiken, SC
*James Allen, (1/2 figure life size), opened first Mercantile Store in Florence, SC
*Mayor Fred Cavanaugh, Aiken, SC
*Spartanburg 7 Performing Arts Center, Spartanburg, SC - four students seated in a circle, a male student representing an all white Evans High School 1920's, a young lady representing the Wynona Douglas-the first student to integrate Spartanburg High School in 1964, a young male student representing Carver High School, 1930's and a young lady representing one of the four students at Spartanburg High School in the 1970's who were the Vanguard
to bring about racial reconciliation after the Carver students moved to Spartanburg High School.
*Major James E. Capers, Jr., most highly decorated Marine from the Vietnam War, a bas relief includes his beloved K-9 "King" who died in battle, Bishopville, SC.
* Dr. Luns C. Richardson, beloved President for 43 years at Morris College, Sumter, SC
* Major General Baron de Kalb, Revolutionary War, wounded at the Battle of Camden, died in Camden, SC. Life size bronze, Revolutionary War Visitors Center, Camden, SC.
*"Betsy" (3/4 life size), portrait of a young lady with angel wings, wearing a flowing gown in her ballet slippers
* Mrs. Sarah Boylston, (life size, seated on a bench), founder of Columbia, SC Garden Club. NOTE: to be unveiled and dedicated in Spring of 2026.
*Retired Chief Justice of Supreme Court of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC. Justice Henry E. Frye and his beloved wife Shirley T. Frye, to be unveiled and dedicated in early 2024.